A Penetrating, Water Based-Stain That Looks Gorgeous? Must Be Deck Restoration Plus Deck & Wood Stain!
Deck Restoration Plus has the best penetrating, water-based stain on the market, and here’s an example of a project recently completed using our Burlington Gold! Read more about it in our blog!

Using Deck Restoration plus Products & Tabernacle Harvest To Enhance Exterior Wood!
Deck Restoration Plus provides the solutions you need to restore wood and bring back its natural beauty. Home improvement and DIY projects have never been easier, thanks to our formulas! Read more about a deck we restored using Deck Restoration Plus and our Deck & Wood Stain Taberncle Harvest tone!

NEW VIDEO UPLOAD: Maple Shade Brown
Introducing another new stain color: Maple Shade Brown! This medium-tone brown is sure to make any wood surface look amazing! Check out this demo by the “Wizard of Wood,” Everett Abrams!

NEW VIDEO UPLOAD: Beach Haven Black Demo
“The Wizard of Wood,” Everett Abrams, provides a demonstration of Beach Haven Black, a crisp black tone that matches well with any other color!

NEW PRODUCT BUNDLE: DECK IN THE BOX (500, 1000, 1500, 2000)
Introducing the DECK IN THE BOX - a massive bundle containing everything you need for a deck restoration project - available in different sizes (500, 1000, 1500, and 2000) - cause we know everyone is different. In the end though, it’s not about the size, but how you use it that counts.

NEW VIDEO UPLOAD: Ship Bottom Gray Demo
The “Wizard of Wood,” Everett Abrams, does a demonstration of a new color stain — Ship Bottom Gray! Check it out and order today!