Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why use Deck Restoration Plus?
A. There are many reasons for using Deck Restoration Plus products. The first is that it is truly a penetrating water-based stain that is not like any water or oil-based stain that every two or three years needs to be stripped and sanded before recoating. It actually wears on the top and is replenished with a light maintenance cleaning and re-staining. Both water and oil-based penetrating stains are easier for the homeowner and contractor alike. The big advantage is you can apply it to wet, damp, or dry wood, meaning you could clean and stain in the same day! You could clean today and stain tomorrow! You have much more flexibility when scheduling and performing the work than waiting for three straight days with no rain for oil-based stains. Being a water-based product is also more environmentally friendly.
Q. You say it can be applied to wet wood but, how wet?
A. Usually once you have cleaned up and prepared to stain the wood is ready. If there are any puddles, we recommend using a blower to remove the puddles. In our demonstrations we wait 10 minutes. Of course, drying time also depends on the time of year, sun, and temperatures. The point is 10-30 minutes is all you usually need.
Q. What is different about Deck Restoration Plus Deck & Wood Stains?
A. The fact that they are a “penetrating” water-based stain makes them unique in this space. Most people think all oils are penetrating and all water-based stains are film-forming. This is just not true, there are both penetrating and film-forming oil and water-based products. There simply are not many penetrating water-based stains. When we first recognized that oil-based products basically had a shelf life and that the trend of moving away from oils was on the horizon, the “Wizard of Wood” Everett Abrams set out to create a water-based stain that performs like an oil-based stain. The result is Deck Restoration Plus Deck & Wood Stain. We are sure glad he did because many states now have stopped or severely restricted oil-based coatings. It is also environmentally friendly! Add ease of future maintenance and you can see why so many are switching over to Deck Restoration Plus Deck & Wood Stain.
Q. What happens if I need help or support with the products?
A. These products are brought to you by the “Wizard of Wood,” Everett Abrams, who is one of the leading experts in the exterior wood restoration industry. He has taught over 10,000 contractors his course that is taught nationally by multiple organizations as well as an online course that is on 5 different platforms. His teachings are widely considered the gold standard for the industry. His contracting company has been performing this type of work for over 30 years. The only products he uses to restore wood are his Deck Restoration Plus Products. The point is, if you need support, the best in the business (and his team) are available to you when you use our products. Support on these projects is extremely important.
Q. Will I need to sand the deck after using the Deck Restoration Plus Products?
A. We recommend a “90/10 rule.” This means that by rinsing with low pressure that 90% of the old coatings should come off and 10% will need to be sanded. When you use a pressure washer to remove everything you usually use too much pressure. Successful cleaning and restoring or stripping of wood surfaces relies on using the correct product to perform the work, and allowing the proper dwell time for the product to work. Then, the lowest possible pressure to rinse the wood surfaces and restores the wood. Troublesome areas like where mats or umbrella stands were, under benches, along the house, and other spots should be addressed prior to staining with a small palm sander. There will be times a floor sander is used on a decking. In both cases the “Wizard of Wood” teaches nothing over 100 grit sandpaper. Anything over 100 will smooth the wood and actually close the pores of the wood, impeding penetration of the stain.
Q. Do I need a pressure washer?
Not necessarily, although a pressure washer will save time. There are, however, nozzles for your garden hose that may effectively rinse the wood surfaces. In this situation you may want to agitate the product lightly with a deck scrub brush (heavy bristle). When using a pressure washer, we recommend a 40-degree tip about 6-12 inches away from the wood. Do not start and stop on the wood. Use a pendulum motion and come up on each swing of the wand for best results.
Q. I replaced or repaired some boards, will the new boards match the old boards?
A. There should be no expectation when using a transparent product that new boards and old boards will initially match. However, no worries because the sun and mother nature will have them matching fairly closely in no time. The only way to match them is using an opaque stain that hides grain and has the main characteristic of eventually peeling.
Q. When is it too cold to stain the deck or wood surface?
A. As long as the coating dries before any dew or freezing will affect the staining and results, you should be fine. Being such a great choice, Deck Restoration Plus Deck & Wood Stain will actually extend your season or time frame for staining. We do not rely on moisture levels that shorten a season or prevent us from staining the wood. The stain cannot freeze so make sure you store it in a warm area and only apply when there is no chance of freezing.
Q. What is the drying time of Deck Restoration Plus Deck & Wood Stain?
A. Depending on the time of year, rain will not affect the coating 30 minutes to one hour after application. In cooler temperatures allow a little longer. We recommend staying off the deck for 24 hours before walking on it and putting back furniture.
Q. What do I do if I spill or overspray Deck Restoration Plus Deck & Wood Stain?
A. The best practice is to have a wet rag and some soapy water or cleaner nearby when staining and address any issues immediately as they arise. If not, use Simple Green or Purple Power to remove our stain.
Q. What are the mixing ratios for Deck Restoration Plus Restoration product?
DRP Brightener: Minimum Dilution Rate 3:1/Maximum Rate 10:1 Makes 20-50 gallons per pail and covers 100-150 sq.ft. per gallon
DRP Stripper: Minimum Dilution Rate 3:1/Maximum Rate 7:1 Makes 20-40 gallons per pail and covers 100-150 sq.ft. per gallon
DRP Restorer: Minimum Dilution Rate 3:1/Maximum Rate7:1 Makes 20-40 gallons per pail and covers 100-150 sq.ft. per gallon
DRP Deck Cleaner: 8oz.-16oz. to 1 gallon of water
Makes 50+ gallons per pail and covers 100-150 sq.ft. per gallon
DRP House Wash: Dilution Rate 8:1 Makes 40 gallons per pail and covers 100-150 sq.ft. per gallon
DRP Stripper Plus: Sprayable and does not need diluting or brightening. Covers approximately 100 sq.ft. per gallon.